J e n ö A. R ó t h
Róth was born in Hungary in 1947 to Holocaust survivor parents. At the age of thirteen, his family moved to Israel. Róth’s childhood experiences of the post-World War II destruction in Europe and the Jewish fervor/conflict in the new nation of Israel have had lasting impact on his life and art.
After serving in the Israeli army during the 1967 Six-Day War and receiving a degree in Photographic Studies from the Tel Aviv Polytechnic University, Róth moved to London to pursue studies at the London Film School. Upon graduation in 1974, he moved to the United States where he spent 30 years working as a photographer specializing in commercial jewelry photography. Among his major clients was Mikimoto Pearl Co.
Since retiring from commercial photography, Róth has returned to Budapest, Hungary where he operates a small studio/gallery specializing in original coffee art. Róth’s coffee art tends to fall into two categories – the purely abstract and works inspired by Judaism and Jewish mysticism.